Monday, November 8, 2021

How to expand your luxury real estate network

Taking your real estate business to the next level is no simple task. It takes a great deal of time, effort and strategy to elevate your brand and grow your network.

If you’re attempting to enter the luxury market, the strength and fostered trust of your well-built network will become one of the key ingredients to your success. So, here are four crucial tips for agents who are looking to grow their luxury network.

1. Nurture your network

Active networking is a must-do for every professional in real estate. Gaining potential clients can be a daunting task, but if you’ve already started developing a network of individuals who trust you, they can naturally drive new business your way.

On the other hand, if you are having difficulty converting leads, there is a chance you aren’t tapping into your network’s full potential.

There are many ways to engage with your network and the greater community. Being active in your neighborhood and local organizations, and attending local events helps establish rapport. It also encourages you to get outside your comfort zone.

Although there are often many avenues to choose from, make sure to select groups and events that stay true to your values and brand. By establishing influential local connections, you’ll build a genuine network that will certainly drive leads.

In addition to creating a potential client base, you will also meet business people to refer clients to and vice versa. At the end of the day, an agent’s network is the key to success and elevated growth.

2. Evaluate your online presence

As an agent looking to grow your luxury network, it is essential to audit your online presence. Today, as you connect with new and potential clients digitally, your online platforms should be updated regularly and look good — from your website to your social media profiles.

This is also essential to build credibility for potential clients and buyers checking out your offerings and services online. Use your online platforms to showcase your expertise, recent successes and current listings.

This is also an excellent way to share the latest industry trends in the markets you serve, further showcasing your level of expertise and detail.

3. Sell the lifestyle of your listings

Having a strategic marketing and branding strategy in place for both your business and listings is essential to further expand into the luxury sector of your market. As a real estate professional, you should be showcasing the lifestyle these offerings present.

Remember to continuously analyze the type of buyer demographic that might be in the market for your listing. Once you’ve identified the audience you’d like to connect with, ensure your messaging and branding are quality and on par with the offering.

Your marketing should catch the attention of an affluent pool of online searchers.

4. Be yourself

Whether you are attending an in-person event or connecting with a group digitally, the No. 1 rule is make sure to be yourself.

Remember to always have fun and stay positive. Surround yourself with team members and colleagues you can see yourself growing with throughout your career. If you are becoming the best version of yourself, this positive energy will be infectious.

One thing to note, while you’re having fun, always remember to remain professional. Maintaining a good impression is everything.

Last but not least, remember this also applies to social media. Social media should be regarded as a conversation with both clients and potential buyers. Make sure that you’re responding to all communication on social platforms in a way that’s timely and thoughtful.

Keep your voice authentic, and remember social media is for developing your brand, not only selling. Social media will remain a key component for growing your luxury network in 2022 and beyond.


This article was written by Santiago Arana from Inman News and was legally licensed through the Industry Dive publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to