Thursday, January 28, 2021

I made it a goal to save a 20% down payment for a house in 2020, and 3 steps helped me achieve it

This time last year, I made a goal I wasn’t sure I’d be able to achieve. I wanted to buy a house.

I like big goals, but this one was different. As a single woman living in an expensive city (Seattle) far from where I hoped to buy a house in Cincinnati, I was facing an uphill battle. As I started to plan out what I thought 2020 would look like, I laid out a plan to buy a house by the end of the year.

I realized that I’d have to save quite a bit. I also wanted to avoid paying private mortgage insurance, an extra cost added to mortgages with less than a 20% down payment. It generally costs around $100 to $150 per month, and I really wanted to avoid that. At the end of 2019, I didn’t have very much saved for my home — the savings I used to start my 2020 savings project would have equaled about 4% to 5% of my target home’s purchase price. I had a ways to go.

But to my surprise, I ended 2020 in a house I own.

How I saved a 20% down payment

1. I set up automatic transfers

When I set the intention to buy my own home, I didn’t really know how feasible it would be. But once I got to work saving for the down payment with the help of a high-yield savings account, I became hooked on saving with automatic deposits.

To start, I set up a recurring deposit to my savings account each month. I calculated my figure with the intention of paying my rent on the first of the month and paying for all of my other expenses (which I put on my credit card) at the end of the month. I transferred an amount I felt I could comfortably afford to save — I didn’t want my checking account to end up overdrawn, but I also didn’t want to miss out by saving too little.

I set up the automatic transfer to take money from my checking account on the day that immediately followed my paycheck, which worked perfectly. The automatic transfers were so simple to set up, and took about five minutes in total to do on my bank’s phone app.

These automatic transfers made saving, even when it was a large amount, almost foolproof. And I never missed one nor needed to take the time every other week to manually transfer cash.

2. I increased my automatic transfer when my housing costs went down

When my roommate and I had a third person move into our two-bedroom house in January, we split the costs between the three of us instead of the two of us. We split pretty much everything, from the WiFi and water bill to the rent.

Before our new roommate arrived, I calculated how much her moving in would actually save me each month, then I added that amount to my automatic transfer.  That way, I didn’t spend the difference when I had a little bit more money left in my checking account each month, I saved it instead. The extra six months of lowered costs did a lot to give me an extra boost towards my savings goal, and automating it made sure I didn’t spend it any other way.

3. I saved any ‘leftover’ money from each paycheck

I had my initial savings deposit transferred out of my checking account at the beginning of each pay cycle, one day after the check came. On the day a new paycheck hit my account, I’d take the new deposit amount and subtract it from my total balance. Whatever was leftover from the previous paycheck, I’d put into my house savings account.

I didn’t always have the extra funds to do this, but I figured that was OK. When I went on vacation in February, for example, I didn’t save anything extra. But that was fine since I simply saw this step as an extra boost — my required saving was done earlier in the month.

I ultimately accomplished my goal of saving 20% in September, the same month that I bought the house. It took me about nine months from start to finish. It wasn’t the simplest process, and it wasn’t necessarily easy. But, it was worth it to not only accomplish my goal, but also own my own house.

Buying a house was a massive goal, but taking it step-by-step throughout the year made it easier

I looked at the numbers multiple times in January. To my disbelief, I realized that it might just work — I had enough money saved and was earning enough to get a mortgage. I got a pre-qualification in February, which gave me an idea 0f how much I could be approved for without a credit check. There were plenty of homes I liked in my price range in Cincinnati, where I wanted to move.

With that confidence, I planned as much as I could in advance. Life changed dramatically between January and March with the pandemic, but I tried to keep up as best as I could. I started shopping for mortgages in April, did a few pre-approvals, and found a real estate agent in May. By the time I moved from Seattle to Cincinnati in June (where I lived with my parents for a short time while I looked for a house), things felt much more concrete and in motion, and breaking up the process really helped.

Up until the day I signed the closing, the process was a bit chaotic. With low interest rates and everyone wanting more space while staying at home during the pandemic, home prices went up and demand spiked. I learned to take the process day by day, and only worried about what I could control. Breaking up this massive and complicated goal into smaller goals took this giant process that felt out of reach and made it manageable.


This article was written by Liz Knueven from Business Insider and was legally licensed through the Industry Dive publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to