Friday, July 23, 2021

These 7 charts show how American homes have changed over the decade

The median area of a new house dropped again in 2020 but was still larger than completed homes two decades or even a decade ago.

The square footage of completed homes has increased over the past two decades but has been declining in the past few years.

The median single-family house completed in 2020 had a floor area of 2,261 square feet. This is around 90 square feet, or 4.2%, larger than the median house built in 2010 and around 200 square feet, or 9.9%, larger than the median in 2000.

The median square footage of a new completed house reached a high of 2,467 in 2015. Except for a slight increase in 2017, the median square footage of new completed homes has been declining ever since.

Rose Quint, National Association of Home Builders’ assistant vice president for survey research, told Insider the average size of new homes started in a year increased from 2009 until it peaked in 2015 because mortgage lending became difficult after the housing recession.

“And as a result, many buyers, even financially solid buyers, were shut out of the new home market,” Quint told Insider. “Particularly younger and first-time buyers were shut out of the market by the absolute tightness in the underwriting of mortgage loans.”

Because of this, Quint said single-family homes being built “reflected the preferences of those buyers that were still in the game.” These buyers were typically wealthier and had equity in their current homes meaning they could then sell their homes and trade up.

“And so, as a result, when you look at the characteristics overall of the new homes that were started between ’09 and ’15, you’ll see that homes got bigger and bigger, and they were more loaded with amenities year after year steadily between ’09 and 2015,” Quint said.

But after 2015, the average size of homes has declined. Quint said this is because builders were responding to a market with more younger and first-time homebuyers. Millennials were also in their prime home-buying years, and underwriting wasn’t as hard as it was years earlier.

The median size of a single-family house that was actually sold in 2020 was slightly larger than in 2019, and much larger than a house sold 20 years ago.

In addition to looking at completed homes in a year, we can also look at the typical area of houses that were sold that year. The above chart shows the median size of sold single-family homes over the past two decades.

Based on the chart, the median size of a house sold had gone up in size over the past two decades, from 2,077 square feet in 2000 to 2,333 square feet in 2020. The median size for a sold home has gone down in size after reaching a high of 2,526 square feet in 2014. However, the median square footage has ticked up from 2019 to 2020, by about 11 square feet or 0.5%.

The above chart about the median size of sold homes shows a similar trend to what was seen in the chart about the median size of completed homes, apart from an uptick last year in the median size for sold homes.

For completed single-family homes, 45% of the 912,000 homes had two stories in 2020, lower than the share in 2015.

The above chart shows the number of stories for new completed homes since 2010. Most houses have one or two stories.

During the first half of the decade, the share of homes with two stories was slightly greater than what was seen in the past five years. This tracks with what was seen in the previous floor area charts.

The share of new homes completed in 2020 with at least four bedrooms was higher than the share from 2010.

The above chart shows the number of bedrooms for new completed homes since 2010.

Three-bedroom homes seem to still be popular, where 46% of new single-family homes in 2020 had three bedrooms. However, the share of new completed homes with at least four bedrooms follows closely behind. In 2020, 44% of new completed homes had at least four bedrooms.

In 2010, 52% of new homes had three bedrooms and 35% had at least four bedrooms. The share of new homes with at least four bedrooms was the highest in 2015 at 47%.

After 2009 and 2010, Quint said homes were increasing in size and in features until 2015, such as a larger share having three or more full bathrooms and four or more bedrooms. This is because the people buying homes in the first half of the decade were wealthier buyers who wanted these larger homes. In the following years, Quint said builders started to build more homes that were smaller and more affordable as younger, first-time buyers joined the market because builders “will build to what the market demands.”

More homes have at least three bathrooms in 2020 than at the start of the decade.

The above chart shows the number of bathrooms for new single-family completed homes since 2010. In 2020, 34% of new homes had at least three bathrooms, larger than the 25% in 2010 but not as high as the 38% in 2015.

A similar share of completed homes in 2020 had two bathrooms as the share of completed homes with at least three bathrooms. In 2020, 35% of new completed homes had two bathrooms.

This trend is very similar to what is seen in the bedroom chart, where people in the housing market in the first half of the decade preferred more amenities.

Over the decade, most new homes completed have had two-car garages.

The above chart shows the kind of garage or carport for new completed homes since 2010. The share of completed homes with two-car garages had been over 60% since 2010. In 2010, 63% of new single-family homes completed had two-car garages, lower than the 67% in 2020.

The next highest share in 2020 was garages that can hold three or more cars, at 18%. The share of new homes with garages that can hold three cars or more in 2020 was lower than the share in 2015 but was higher than the share in 2010.

More and more new homes built have air conditioning.

The above chart shows the share of new single-family homes completed with air conditioning over the decade. The share of new homes with air conditioning has increased from 88% in 2010 to 95% in 2020. The share increased by one percentage point from 2019 to 2020, where 870,000 of the 912,000 new completed homes in 2020 had air conditioning.


This article was written by Madison Hoff from Business Insider and was legally licensed through the Industry Dive publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to